Contribute to KittyORM

Like KittyORM? Develop it!

Like KittyORM and have some ideas how to improve it? Have some free time you want to spend to develop KittyORM? Would like to help to translate KittyORM documentation to more languages? You’re welcome! Contact us via email with subject contains !contribute and become a contributor! What things you can do right now?

  1. KittyORM code right now not covered with unit tests. It would be awesome to fix this situation. Also, any things on bug fixing and testing are appreciated.
  2. Translate documentation to other languages and help to make it more accessible for people from other countries.
  3. Have ideas about how to improve KittyORM? Share it with us. Unfortunately, due to some possible law restrictions, right now contributions to KittyORM orm library are not accepted. However, if your feature request would contain possible solutions or advises how to achieve it in a better way, it would be really great.

Any contribution is appreciated. Thank you.